Recommended General Literature:


AuthorTitle© Year
Baratay E., Hardouin-Fugier E.
Zoo: A History of Zoological Gardens in the West19981-86189-208-xReaktion Books
Botting D.Gerald Durrell, the authorised biography19990-00-638730-6Harper Collins Publishers
de Courcy C.The Zoo story19951-85471-777-4Claremont Book
Dick G., Gusset M. (Ed.)Building a Future for Wildlife: Zoos and Aquariums committed to biodiversity conservation2010978-3-033-02234-8World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Domalain J-Y.Ik was handelaar in wilde dieren (L'adieu aux bêtes)
Durrell G.The bafut beagles1954246-63513-4Rupert Hart-Davis
Durrell G.The new Noah19550-0067-1671-7William Collins Sons & Co Ltd
Durrell G.The stationary ark19760-00-635000-3Harper Collins Publishers
Hanson E.Animal Attractions, nature on display in American Zoos 20020-691-05992-6Princeton University Press
Hediger H.Man and Animal in the Zoo (Mensch und Tier im Zoo)1965'70-85758'Seymour Lawrence / Delacorte press
Hosey G., Melfi V., Pankhurst S.
Zoo animals2009978-0-19-923306-9Oxford University Press
Irwin M.D., Stoner J.B., Cobaugh A.M. (Ed.)
Zookeeping, an introduction to the science and technology2013978-0-226-92531-8University of Chicago Press
Kisling V.N. Jr. (Ed.)Zoo and Aquarium history *20010-8493-2100-xCRC Press
Norton B.G., Hutchins M., Stevens E.F., Maple T.LEthics on the ark19951-56098-689-1Smithsonian Institution Press
Rothfels N.Savages and beasts, the birth of modern zoo *
20020-8018-6910-2The Johns Hopkins University Press
Tudge C.Last animals at the zoo; how mass extinction can be stopped19910-09-174409-1Hutchinson Radius
Wilson E.O.Sociobiology, the new synthesis19750-674-00235-0The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Zimmerman A., Hatchwell M., Dickie L., West C.
Zoos in the 21st century2007978-0-521-61858-8Cambridge University Press

* highly recommended

Zoo Specific Literature:


AuthorTitle© Year
Barrington-Johnson J.The Zoo, the story of London zoo2005978-0-7090-7372-7Robert Hale London
Gerritsen A. (red.)Iets grootsch & buitengewoons, 150 jaar Rotterdam Diergaarde2007978-90-75111-03-3Koninklijke Rotterdamse Diergaarde Blijdorp
Lloyd J.Wonder never ceases, Edinburgh zoo into the 21st century20061-904050-13-1the ABR Company Ltd
Masters B.The passion of John Aspinall19880-224-02353-5Jonathan Cape Ltd
Nieuwendijk J.G.Zoo was artis, zo is artis197090-6054-672-5

Uitgeverij J.H. De Bussy N.V., Amsterdam






about zoos and their mission regarding breeding endangered species, nature conservation, biodiversity and education, which at the same time relates to the evolution of species.

Goal: 7000 tigers in the wild

Tiger range countries map


"Tiger map" (CC BY 2.5) by Sanderson et al., 2006.