Observations and opinions concerning zoos, evolution, nature conservation and the way we treat/support the ecosystems which are supposed to serve us.




Moos' Blog


Biodiversity Counts!






The zoo, a perfect hunting ground for poachers

published 15 April 2017 | modified 15 April 2017

A shocking, but not surprising accident was reported a few weeks ago. A rhinoceros at Thoiry Zoo (Château et parc de Thoiry) was shot and its horn was harvested by poachers with a chainsaw.

The market for rhino horn has reached an all-time high, driven primarily by markets in Vietnam and China. Horn is seen as a status symbol, and is used in traditional Asian medicine, despite the lack of evidence that proves its medicinal value. So rhino horn has reached twice the value of gold. Due to poaching the number of rhinos in the wild is plummeting globally. Protection of these species in the wild increases. Therefore the criminal networks behind the poaching activities found easier targets, already about six years ago. They began targeting rhino specimens in European museums, followed by living rhinos in zoos. In 2013 the police in Kent, United Kingdom, had an anonymous tip-off that the black rhinos of two zoos near Canterbury could be targeted by poachers. Fortunately, nothing happened. Perhaps because of the increased vigilance that was established by the Aspinall Foundation, the...


The climate change hoax tested

published 18 December 2016 | modified 18 December 2016

Triggered by recent events, such as the presidency election in the USA and the Marrakech Climate Change Conference, I just needed to see if convincing evidence is available on this climate change issue or that it is indeed a Chinese hoax. The open letter published by 375 concerned scientists and the overwhelming scientific evidence about the ongoing climate change they bring forward should be convincing enough of course. But I wanted to see how easy the accumulating evidence can be found in...


Extinction of species in zoos a loss to society, yeah right!

published 25 June 2016 | modified 17 August 2024

Just recently the Georgia Aquarium published a statement that they will no longer will source whales and dolphins from the wild1. This is something to be applauded, especially when you read about the dire situation of the 18 beluga whales that were caught in the wild in the Russian Sea of Okhotsk. They were destined to go to the Georgia Aquarium but despite an import permit has been denied they will remain in captivity2.

Beluga whales, four of them, at Georgia Aquarium
This is one of the few...

Goal: 7000 tigers in the wild

Tiger range countries map


"Tiger map" (CC BY 2.5) by Sanderson et al., 2006.


about zoos and their mission regarding breeding endangered species, nature conservation, biodiversity and education, while at the same time relates to the evolution of species.