About Zoos newslet­ter 37

About Zoos newsletter 37
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About Zoos


Sat­ur­day, 27 April 2019

Hello ,

Although I haven’t had the time to add many new zoo visit reports to the site, I man­aged to pro­vide a review on Hanoi Zoo and some thoughts on yet another visit to the zoo in one of my favourite cities, Lon­don. I am com­mit­ted to com­plete the Colch­ester Zoo report and give an impres­sion of Zoo de La Flùche as soon as pos­si­ble – but no promises!


London Zoo Reptile House entranceThe main objec­tives of the visit to Lon­don Zoo on 17 March 2018 are Tiger Ter­ri­tory, which I saw when it was still under con­struc­tion two months before open­ing in March 2013, and Land of the Lions (opened on 17 March 2016), but while I am here it’s about time to visit the Aquar­ium and the Rep­tile House as well. Both these exhibits near the entrance I skipped on all other occa­sions I vis­ited this his­toric zoo. When a visit-​a-​zoo-​on-​a-​bad-​weather-​day cham­pi­onship would exist I prob­a­bly will make it to the finals eas­ily. Even today, already mid-​March, I have to cope with freez­ing weather, strong cold east­erly wind and some snow. So, start­ing my tour at the Aquar­ium, once the largest aquar­ium in Britain when it was built in 1924, is a good choice. Read more

Hanoi Zoo entertainmentAlthough I haven’t had the time to accli­ma­tise to the hot and humid weather con­di­tions in Hanoi, I decide to pay Hanoi Zoo a visit the day after my arrival. To avoid the most extreme heat of the day I get a taxi early in the morn­ing. It brings me to the non­de­script entrance near Nguyễn Văn Ngọc where I don’t get a map of the zoo grounds nor any other explana­tory folder or fact sheet. After mak­ing my way through the gate my first thoughts are that I didn’t pay enough atten­tion and that the taxi dri­ver brought me to an enter­tain­ment park instead of the Zoo. Directly after the entrance a small amuse­ment park appears, and as it turns out there are more to come. How­ever, a few metres from the loud noise-​making equip­ment and scream­ing chil­dren an ani­mal enclo­sure is sit­u­ated. So, I did arrive at the Zoo, no doubt about it. Read more

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