
Bio­di­ver­sity isn’t just pretty: it future-​proofs our world

pub­lished 27 Jan­u­ary 2018 | mod­i­fied 30 May 2019

A small boy hauls enthu­si­as­ti­cally on his fish­ing rod. The line flies up and a needle-​spined fish strikes him in the eye. Des­per­ate to stay out­doors, he ignores the pain, but his sight dete­ri­o­rates over the fol­low­ing months. He con­tin­ues to pur­sue his love of nature but, now blind in one eye, he is con­fined to study­ing crea­tures that are easy to see: insects. He grows to become the global author­ity on ants, and in later life is given the moniker ‘the father of biodiversity’.

biodiversity infographicInfo­graphic on Bio­di­ver­sity effects of land-​use changes.
Credit Laura Cattaneo.

The man is E O Wil­son, the emi­nent Amer­i­can biol­o­gist. In his book The Diver­sity of Life (1992), he described bio­di­ver­sity as an assem­blage that ‘has eaten the storms — folded them into its genes — and cre­ated the world that cre­ated us. It holds the world steady.’ We tend to think of bio­di­ver­sity as a land­scape of teem­ing jun­gles and coral reefs, its destruc­tion man­i­fest­ing as for­est clear­ance and species extinc­tion. How­ever, these images don’t cap­ture the full sig­nif­i­cance of the equi­lib­rium that Wil­son described. Bio­di­ver­sity is not just the abun­dance of life on Earth. Rather, it is what main­tains the resilience and flex­i­bil­ity of the envi­ron­ment as a whole, so that life can weather the inevitable ‘storms’.

The global Con­ven­tion on Bio­log­i­cal Diver­sity defines its sub­ject as vari­abil­ity among liv­ing organ­isms at three dif­fer­ent lev­els: within species, between species, and of ecosys­tems. The first diver­sity, ‘within species’, is at the level of the gene. A species is made up of indi­vid­u­als. For exam­ple, the 10,000 or so species of ant are esti­mated to com­prise a stag­ger­ing 1015 indi­vid­u­als. (That’s 1 fol­lowed by 15 zeroes!) With the rare excep­tion of twins, each of these indi­vid­u­als will have their own unique com­bi­na­tion of genes. If we destroy half of the ants in each species, we will still have 10,000 kinds of ant, but we’ll have lost 50 per cent of each species’ genetic diver­sity. In recent his­tory, many species have been reduced to far smaller num­bers. Pre-​Columbus, 25 mil­lion bison roamed the plains of North Amer­ica, but by the late 1880s fewer than 100 remained in the wild. Although con­ser­va­tion inter­ven­tions have since increased bison num­bers to the hun­dreds of thou­sands, the genetic diver­sity that was lost can never be recovered.

We can think about the value of genetic diver­sity using exam­ples from our own species. Humans have dif­fer­ent alle­les or gene vari­ants for eye colour, hair curli­ness, mus­cle tone and so forth. These alle­les can be advan­ta­geous in one envi­ron­ment but not in another. In cloudy north­ern climes, pale skin is good for increas­ing the uptake of vit­a­min D, but in sunny regions it’s dis­ad­van­ta­geous, as it makes peo­ple prone to sun­burn and skin can­cer. Effi­cient fat stor­age will increase your sur­vival on an island where the food sup­ply is unpre­dictable, but it can be a fast-​track to Type-​2 dia­betes if you fol­low a sugar-​loaded West­ern diet. A wide genetic diver­sity gives us more options in the face of rapid envi­ron­men­tal change, whether that change is due to cli­matic con­di­tions, a new dis­ease or an inva­sive species.

The sec­ond layer is diver­sity ‘between species’. This is the def­i­n­i­tion of bio­di­ver­sity with which we are most famil­iar — the fan­tas­tic assort­ment of ani­mals, plants and micro-​organisms in the world. Accord­ing to a 2011 report, of the 9 mil­lion or more esti­mated total species on Earth, we’ve described about 1.2 mil­lion. We have a good knowl­edge of plants, birds and mam­mals. By con­trast, a trawl of the deep sea can yield around 90 per cent of unknown species. Species are not evenly dis­trib­uted across the world. There are mul­ti­ple hypothe­ses for what lies behind this trend, but the pat­tern is clear: species rich­ness increases from the poles to the equa­tor.

Lastly, we have ‘diver­sity of ecosys­tems’. Species inter­act with each other and with the sun­light, air, soil and water to form ecosys­tems. From the arc­tic tun­dra to trop­i­cal rain­for­est, from estu­ar­ies to the mid­night zones of the deep sea, the Earth houses a wealth of ecosys­tems. Delin­eat­ing these zones is not always straight­for­ward. An ecosys­tem might be as large as the Great Bar­rier Reef or as small as the com­mu­nity of sponges, algae and worms hosted on a spi­der crab’s shell. While there is a clear divi­sion between a coastal for­est and the sea below, there is no dis­tinct point at which a for­est ends and a savan­nah begins.

The species within an ecosys­tem com­pete with each other for resources such as light and food — but they also rely on each other. Of the world’s flow­er­ing plants, 87 per cent are pol­li­nated by ani­mals, and coral reefs pro­vide shel­ter for 25 per cent of our marine life. Bac­te­ria recy­cle dead mat­ter into nitrates, the only com­pounds from which plants can build pro­teins. Ecosys­tems pro­vide ‘ser­vices’ that sup­port life both within and beyond the ecosys­tem. Humans could not live with­out these ser­vices, which include clean air, drink­ing water, decom­po­si­tion of wastes, and the pol­li­na­tion of food plants.

One intrigu­ing nat­ural phe­nom­e­non is that, in any given ecosys­tem, a few species will be very numer­ous, but most will be quite scarce. That is, com­mon species are rare, and rare species are com­mon. Just as genetic diver­sity pro­vides species with resilience to envi­ron­men­tal change, species diver­sity increases the resilience of ecosys­tems. For exam­ple, there’s a rare species of yeast found in fresh­wa­ter ecosys­tems in east­ern Penn­syl­va­nia. In the pres­ence of mer­cury con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, the yeast short-​circuits the meta­bolic path­way by which most species suc­cumb to poi­son­ing. It stores the quick­sil­ver in a vac­uole and later deposits it on a sur­face such as a rock. Dur­ing this time, the yeast becomes very abun­dant, but the toxic envi­ron­ment reduces the abun­dance of other species. Once the yeast has cleaned up the mer­cury, how­ever, envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions no longer favour it; it declines in num­ber, and those of other species rebound. In the right con­di­tions, it seems likely that any rare species would be able to increase its abun­dance in an ecosys­tem. In this way, an ecosystem’s diver­sity might reflect what’s hap­pened in its envi­ron­men­tal past, and indi­cate its poten­tial to adapt to future change.

The irony is that the word ‘bio­di­ver­sity’ has cur­rency mostly because humans are in the process of destroy­ing what it refers to. The term was first used at the US National Research Coun­cil in 1985, while con­ven­ing a forum to address con­cerns regard­ing bio­di­ver­sity loss. Fol­low­ing the event, the philoso­pher Bryan Nor­ton likened the Earth to a patient whose sur­vival is depen­dent on a life-​support machine. Hos­pi­tal staff enter and announce that, in order to increase the hospital’s rev­enue, they will be sell­ing a few com­po­nents of the machine. ‘It’s got so many wires and screws, it can’t pos­si­bly need them all,’ they blithely assure the patient. Would you take that gam­ble? Bio­di­ver­sity under­pins life as we know it. It is the very appa­ra­tus that holds us steady.Aeon counter - do not remove

Author: Eliz­a­beth Boakes

This arti­cle was orig­i­nally pub­lished at Aeon and has been repub­lished under Cre­ative Commons.

Goal: 7000 tigers in the wild

Tiger range countries map

Tiger map” (CC BY 2.5) by Sander­son et al., 2006.

about zoos and their mis­sion regard­ing breed­ing endan­gered species, nature con­ser­va­tion, bio­di­ver­sity and edu­ca­tion, which of course relates to the evo­lu­tion of species.
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