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On 1 Decem­ber 2011 one of the female polar bears at Rhenen Zoo gave birth to triplets. Unfor­tu­nately, one of them didn’t sur­vive the first dif­fi­cult moments in the ‘new’ world. The sur­viv­ing two young­sters are alive and kick­ing as you can see in this video, where you see them play­ing to their hearts con­tent. It is just a snap­shot of the total time they played with each other — they were tire­less so it went on and on and on. This allowed me to switch posi­tion in the mean­time, but the blue coloured view­ing win­dow — built for close encoun­ters with the bears — was quite dis­as­trous for the qual­ity of the footage. There­fore I decided to make the video black&white.At the moment, August 2013, the polar bear group of Rhenen Zoo com­prises three adults (Vic­tor the male, Free­dom and Hug­gies the two females) and the ado­les­cent twins, Luca and Lynn.

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