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Exclu­sive images of crit­i­cally endan­gered Javan leop­ard released

pub­lished 01 Novem­ber 2013 | mod­i­fied 03 Novem­ber 2014

Javan leopardThe Cen­ter for Inter­na­tional Forestry Research (CIFOR) has made avail­able exclu­sive rare footage of the crit­i­cally endan­gered Javan leop­ards (Pan­thera par­dus melas) in their native habi­tat in west­ern Java. In May this year cam­era traps placed in Gunung Halimun-​Salak National Park (Java, Indone­sia) cap­tured strik­ing, high-​quality images of these elu­sive, enig­matic crea­tures in the wild as part of a research project to help mon­i­tor wildlife in an area less than 100 kilo­me­ters out­side of Jakarta.

After this footage of the CIFOR research to mon­i­tor declin­ing leop­ard pop­u­la­tions in West Java was released, Terry Suther­land, senior sci­en­tist with CIFOR, said:

“New pro­grams or poli­cies aimed at pro­tect­ing wild ani­mals will have lit­tle impact unless they actu­ally mon­i­tor the ter­ri­to­ries and behav­ioural pat­terns of key species.”

As Indonesia’s national parks face threats from defor­esta­tion and human encroach­ment, it’s vital that tigers, leop­ards and other large mam­mals be mon­i­tored as part of con­ser­va­tion efforts — oth­er­wise clashes with peo­ple will inten­sify, Suther­land warned.

It is hoped that the images, which include other elu­sive species, such as bark­ing deer, small-​clawed otter and com­mon palm civet, will pro­vide the national park with vital data to bet­ter under­stand leop­ard home ranges in order to develop poli­cies aimed at reduc­ing human wildlife conflict.

For more infor­ma­tion read the For­est News blog.

(Source: CIFOR press release, 22.05.2013; CIFOR For­est News blog, 22.05.2013)

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Goal: 7000 tigers in the wild

Tiger range countries map

Tiger map” (CC BY 2.5) by Sander­son et al., 2006.

about zoos and their mis­sion regard­ing breed­ing endan­gered species, nature con­ser­va­tion, bio­di­ver­sity and edu­ca­tion, which of course relates to the evo­lu­tion of species.
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