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First ele­phant birth in Prague Zoo’s history

pub­lished 13 Feb­ru­ary 2013 | mod­i­fied 13 Feb­ru­ary 2013
Elephant calf praguezooIn its 81-​year his­tory Prague Zoo for the first time wel­comes a baby ele­phant, despite the fact that ele­phant breed­ing has had a long tra­di­tion in Prague.

The calf was born to Donna who had come to Prague from Rot­ter­dam Zoo. The calf with its mother and its older sis­ter Tonya live in the brand new Ele­phant House near the African World.

Unfor­tu­nately, the pub­lic can­not see the calf, as the new Ele­phant House is not open to the pub­lic yet. But accord­ing to the Zoo’s Direc­tor Miroslav Bobek, vis­i­tors are likely to see the calf for the first time on March 30, when the Ele­phant House will offi­cially be opened.

Donna with lit­tle Tonya came to Prague last May. The twenty-​five year old Donna was already preg­nant at that time. She could move to Prague only thanks to the new com­fort­able Ele­phant House, which meets all the require­ments for the breed­ing of these pachy­derms. When the new Ele­phant House opens to the pub­lic, two other female Asian ele­phants — Tamara and Janita — will also make their appear­ance. They arrived from Sri Lanka by spe­cial local mil­i­tary trans­port to extend the herd of Asian ele­phants of Prague Zoo.

The above news item is reprinted from mate­ri­als avail­able at Prague Zoo — Zoo Praha. Orig­i­nal text may be edited for con­tent and length.
(Source: Prague Zoo news, 11.02.2013)
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