• Slide number 0
    African lion (Pan­thera leo)
  • Slide number 1
    Chee­tah (Aci­nonyx juba­tus)
  • Slide number 2
    Clouded leop­ard (Neo­fe­lis neb­u­losa) | more info
  • Slide number 3
    Euro­pean wild­cat (Felis sil­vestris)
  • Slide number 4
    Jaguar (Pan­thera onca)
  • Slide number 5
    Jaguarundi (Her­pail­u­rus yagouaroundi)
  • Slide number 6
    Puma, Moun­tain lion, Cougar (Puma con­color)
  • Slide number 7
    Ocelot (Leop­ar­dus pardalis)
  • Slide number 8
    Pal­las’ cat, Manul (Oto­colobus manul)
  • Slide number 9
    Sand cat (Felis mar­garita)
  • Slide number 10
    Ser­val (Lep­tail­u­rus ser­val)
  • Slide number 11
    Snow leop­ard (Pan­thera uncia) | more info
  • Slide number 12
    South Chines tiger (Pan­thera tigris ssp. amoyen­sis)


Spec­ta­cled bears in the wild do not like cameras!

pub­lished 24 Octo­ber 2013 | mod­i­fied 13 Sep­tem­ber 2014

A remote cam­era is very use­ful when try­ing to mon­i­tor the dis­tri­b­u­tion, abun­dance and behav­iour of wildlife in a cer­tain area, with­out dis­turb­ing the nor­mal sit­u­a­tion. Unfor­tu­nately these cam­eras, mostly set up as camera-​traps, are vul­ner­a­ble pieces of equip­ment, not to men­tion expen­sive. They are being stolen, and some­times dis­man­tled by poach­ers. The cam­eras are some­times inspected very care­fully by wildlife, and in this process demol­ished by accident.

Emmen zoo58But these rare spec­ta­cled bears in a Boli­vian park act dif­fer­ently. The footage from a series of camera-​trap images released by the Wildlife Con­ser­va­tion Soci­ety (WCS) on 22 Octo­ber shows spec­ta­cled bears (Tremarc­tos orna­tus), also known as Andean bears, behav­ing like angry Hol­ly­wood celebri­ties — at least when it comes to hav­ing their pic­ture taken.

The spec­ta­cled bears and cubs repeat­edly sur­round and attempt to dis­man­tle the remote cam­era traps. This behav­iour, demon­strat­ing the bears’ curios­ity, also pro­vides clues to help WCS sci­en­tists bet­ter con­serve them into the future.

The footage was shot in Apolobamba Inte­grated Man­age­ment Nat­ural Area (Área Nat­ural de Manejo Inte­grado Apolobamba), a pro­tected area in the La Paz Depart­ment, Bolivia. It bor­ders Madidi National Park — one of the world’s most bio­di­verse pro­tected areas.

(Source: WCS news and fea­tures, 22.10.2013)

UN Biodiversity decade
WWF Stop Wildlife Crime
Amur leopard conservation
End Ivory-funded Terrorism
Support Rewilding Europe
Snow Leopard Trust

Goal: 7000 tigers in the wild

Tiger range countries map

Tiger map” (CC BY 2.5) by Sander­son et al., 2006.

about zoos and their mis­sion regard­ing breed­ing endan­gered species, nature con­ser­va­tion, bio­di­ver­sity and edu­ca­tion, which of course relates to the evo­lu­tion of species.
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