• Slide number 0
    African lion (Pan­thera leo)
  • Slide number 1
    Chee­tah (Aci­nonyx juba­tus)
  • Slide number 2
    Clouded leop­ard (Neo­fe­lis neb­u­losa) | more info
  • Slide number 3
    Euro­pean wild­cat (Felis sil­vestris)
  • Slide number 4
    Jaguar (Pan­thera onca)
  • Slide number 5
    Jaguarundi (Her­pail­u­rus yagouaroundi)
  • Slide number 6
    Puma, Moun­tain lion, Cougar (Puma con­color)
  • Slide number 7
    Ocelot (Leop­ar­dus pardalis)
  • Slide number 8
    Pal­las’ cat, Manul (Oto­colobus manul)
  • Slide number 9
    Sand cat (Felis mar­garita)
  • Slide number 10
    Ser­val (Lep­tail­u­rus ser­val)
  • Slide number 11
    Snow leop­ard (Pan­thera uncia) | more info
  • Slide number 12
    South Chines tiger (Pan­thera tigris ssp. amoyen­sis)


Link between cli­mate change and dis­ease becomes clearer, researchers say

pub­lished 01 August 2013 | mod­i­fied 28 June 2014

Cli­mate change is affect­ing the spread of infec­tious dis­eases world­wide, accord­ing to an inter­na­tional team of lead­ing dis­ease ecol­o­gists, with seri­ous impacts to human health and bio­di­ver­sity con­ser­va­tion. Writ­ing in the jour­nal Sci­ence of 2 August, they pro­pose that mod­el­ling the way dis­ease sys­tems respond to cli­mate vari­ables could help pub­lic health offi­cials and envi­ron­men­tal man­agers pre­dict and mit­i­gate the spread of lethal diseases.

MuskoxenThe issue of cli­mate change and dis­ease has pro­voked intense debate over the past decade, par­tic­u­larly in the case of dis­eases that affect humans, accord­ing to the Uni­ver­sity of Georgia’s Sonia Altizer, who is the study’s lead author.

“For a lot of human dis­eases, responses to cli­mate change depend on the wealth of nations, health­care infra­struc­ture and the abil­ity to take mit­i­gat­ing mea­sures against dis­ease,” said Altizer, an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor in the UGA Odum School of Ecol­ogy. “The cli­mate sig­nal, in many cases, is hard to tease apart from other fac­tors like vec­tor con­trol and vac­cine and drug availability.”

Cli­mate warm­ing already is caus­ing changes in dis­eases affect­ing wildlife and agri­cul­tural ecosys­tems, she said. “In many cases, we’re see­ing an increase in dis­ease and par­a­sitism. But the impact of cli­mate change on these dis­ease rela­tion­ships depends on the phys­i­ol­ogy of the organ­isms involved, the loca­tion on the globe and the struc­ture of eco­log­i­cal communities.”

At the organ­ism level, cli­mate change can alter the phys­i­ol­ogy of both hosts and par­a­sites. Some of the clear­est exam­ples are found in the Arc­tic, where tem­per­a­tures are ris­ing rapidly, result­ing in faster devel­op­ing par­a­sites. A lung­worm that affects muskoxen, for instance, can now be trans­mit­ted over a longer period each sum­mer, mak­ing it a seri­ous prob­lem for the pop­u­la­tions it infects.

“The Arc­tic is like a ‘canary in the global coal mine,’” said co-​author Susan Kutz of the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­gary and Cana­dian Coop­er­a­tive Wildlife Health Cen­tre. “Cli­mate warm­ing in the Arc­tic is occur­ring more rapidly than else­where, threat­en­ing the health and sus­tain­abil­ity of Arc­tic plants and ani­mals, which are adapted to a harsh and highly sea­sonal envi­ron­ment and are vul­ner­a­ble to inva­sions by ‘south­ern’ species — both ani­mals and parasites.”

A chang­ing cli­mate also is affect­ing entire plant and ani­mal com­mu­ni­ties. This is par­tic­u­larly evi­dent in trop­i­cal marine envi­ron­ments such as the world’s coral reef ecosys­tems. In places like the Caribbean, warmer water tem­per­a­tures have stressed corals and facil­i­tated infec­tions by path­o­genic fungi and bac­te­ria. When corals — the frame­work builders of the ecosys­tem — suc­cumb, the myr­iad of species that depend on them are also at risk.

Bio­di­ver­sity loss is a well-​established con­se­quence of cli­mate change
Richard Ost­feld, co-​author, Cary Insti­tute of Ecosys­tem Studies »

“In a num­ber of infec­tious dis­ease sys­tems, such as Lyme dis­ease and West Nile virus, bio­di­ver­sity loss is tied to greater pathogen trans­mis­sion and increased human risk. Mov­ing for­ward, we need mod­els that are sen­si­tive to both direct and indi­rect effects of cli­mate change on infec­tious disease.”

Where human health is con­cerned, there is not only the direct risk from pathogens like dengue, malaria and cholera, all of which are linked to warmer tem­per­a­tures, but indi­rect risks from threats to agri­cul­tural sys­tems and game species cru­cial for sub­sis­tence and cul­tural activities.

“Earth’s chang­ing cli­mate and the global spread of infec­tious dis­eases are threat­en­ing human health, agri­cul­ture and wildlife. Solv­ing these prob­lems requires a com­pre­hen­sive approach that unites sci­en­tists from biol­ogy, the geo­sciences and the social sci­ences,” said Sam Scheiner, National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion pro­gram direc­tor for the joint NSF-​National Insti­tutes of Health Ecol­ogy and Evo­lu­tion of Infec­tious Dis­eases Program.

“We need to tran­scend sim­ple argu­ments about which is more impor­tant — cli­mate change or socioe­co­nom­ics — and ask just how much harder will it be to con­trol dis­eases as the cli­mate warms?” Ost­feld said. “Will it be pos­si­ble at all in devel­op­ing countries?”

To respond to that chal­lenge, Altizer and her col­leagues — Kutz, Ost­feld, Pieter T. J. John­son of the Uni­ver­sity of Col­orado Boul­der and C. Drew Harvell of Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity — laid out an agenda for future research and action. One rec­om­men­da­tion is to expand data about the phys­i­o­log­i­cal responses hosts and par­a­sites have to tem­per­a­ture changes to help develop early warn­ing systems.

“We’d like to be able to pre­dict, for exam­ple, that if the cli­mate warms by a cer­tain amount, then in a par­tic­u­lar host-​parasite sys­tem we might see an increase from one to two trans­mis­sion cycles per year,” Altizer said. “But we’d also like to try to tie these pre­dic­tions to actions that might be taken.” Such fore­cast­ing is well estab­lished in crop dis­ease man­age­ment and has been used to both pre­ven­tively close coral reefs and tar­get areas at risk of malaria outbreaks.

“We face a tough task in the oceans, where dis­ease out­breaks can be out of sight and unde­tected,” Harvell said. “Because some coral dis­ease out­breaks are pre­dictable from warm­ing events, we are devel­op­ing fore­cast­ing pro­grams to help us respond before the out­break begins.”

The researchers also pointed out that cer­tain human com­mu­ni­ties, such as those of indige­nous peo­ples in the Arc­tic, could be dis­pro­por­tion­ately impacted by climate-​disease interactions.

“A bet­ter under­stand­ing of the impacts of par­a­sitism on wildlife health, and an abil­ity to make accu­rate pre­dic­tions of future wildlife sus­tain­abil­ity, is par­tic­u­larly impor­tant to abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple across the Arc­tic who depend on wildlife as a source of food, income and a focus of cul­tural activ­i­ties,” Kutz said.

John­son con­tin­ued, “Because dis­ease rep­re­sents the prod­uct of mul­ti­ple inter­act­ing species, includ­ing hosts, pathogens and other mem­bers of the food web, fore­cast­ing responses to ongo­ing cli­mate shifts is a tremen­dous chal­lenge,” he said. “Given the ris­ing impor­tance of infec­tious dis­eases not only for human health but also wildlife con­ser­va­tion, it’s also a chal­lenge for which we are in sore need of a solu­tion. We hope our work con­tributes to that.”

(Source: Uni­ver­sity of Geor­gia news release, 01.08.2013)

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Tiger map” (CC BY 2.5) by Sander­son et al., 2006.

about zoos and their mis­sion regard­ing breed­ing endan­gered species, nature con­ser­va­tion, bio­di­ver­sity and edu­ca­tion, which of course relates to the evo­lu­tion of species.
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